Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Purple Cows Free Style Mouse

We love in my daughter and I love this.  I purchased this nifty cutter mainly for her use as it is relatively safe and easy to use.  The blade stays protected away from fingers and doesn't work unless you use the proper pressure as you are moving across your cutting mat. 

It came with a total of 13 blades, two straight, a scoring blade, a perforated blade,  9 decorative blades,  a nifty ruler and a pretty useless 4x15 inch cutting mat but the mat isn't why I bought it.  I already own a large self healing mat.  We purchased it through Amazon. 

I didn't buy it from HSN through Amazon, I bought it directly from Purple Cows through Amazon but this link takes you to HSN/Amazon.  It has a good picture of all you get in the kit.  I didn't pay that price though...quite a bit less but I see the price has gone back up a bit.

I read a lot of poor reviews about how people couldn't get it to cut (probably user error, since we, my four year old and I have no problems with it) or that they couldn't tell where the blade is going.  Weird since if you look at the mouse there is a small pointed arrow on both the front and back of it showing where the blade will cut and if you use the ruler...the groove in the mouse fits on the hump on the ruler then you know where it is going as well....straight. 

I like that we can free style cut with it safely and that if we want a straight cut we can use the ruler.  I don't see the ruler getting too much use as this is mainly for my munchkin and straight lines and cuts really are not something she worries about. 

All of the decorative blades are fun and a huge plus, they also give a much cleaner cut than my decorative scissors.   The munchkin loves all of the blades even if she isn't allowed to change them.  They really are super easy and quick to take out, which I like. 

This is definitely going to free me from having to do so much cutting for her, though it still requires my supervision as it is a blade...even safety scissors are supervised by me, at least it lets my kid take more control of her projects.

Teach your kids how to safely use or be around any and all things dangerous.  Simply saying no is not the right way to teach them.  I have taught my kids well.  They know what they can and can not use, what they can use but with supervision only and what is always available for use even if I am not around.  I do keep my craft room locked when not in use, for safety, as there are several sharp instruments in there and for my own sanity as my kids have a tendancy to create some seriously amazing messes but they know that all they have to do is ask and it shall be.  Our craft room is our haven, our place to learn, explore, play, and just be and we probably spend a quarter of our day in here enjoying what it has to offer.

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